AI Powered, Smart Memories Vault

Notes, Websites, Contacts, Places and much more - The Memxi app gives you the superpower to never forget anything ever again

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See what our users have to say

“Memxi changed the way I save and organize information. I can now easily find what I need and share it with my team.”


“Being able to ask any question on everything I save is very powerful. It allows me to find what I need in seconds.”


“Amazing product. So much better than any bookmarking tool I ever used”


Memxi: A Tool for All Your Needs

See Memxi in real-world scenarios with our video showcase, demonstrating how easy it is to manage, retrieve, and secure all types of knowledge and memories.

Manage Your Bookmarkas

Never Forget People

Never Forget Places

Be On Top of Your Inbox

Manage Your Shopping List

Organize Your Thoughts

With Memxi, You'll Never Forget Anything Again

Save from any device. Retrieve your memories by simply asking a question

More than bookmarks
Memxi elevates saving content by understanding it, enabling you to ask questions and engage with your saved bookmarks like never before.
Transcribe your videos and Voice Memos
Memxi effortlessly transcribes your saved videos and voice memos, making content easily searchable and accessible.
Multilingual Memory Retrievals
Engage with Memxi in over 50 languages, accessing your memories in the tongue you're most comfortable with.
Memxi: Your Everywhere Companion
With compatibility across iPhone, Android, and desktop, Memxi is always at your side, ready to assist no matter the device.
A screenshot of asking Memxi a question in natural language

Seize Inspiration On-The-Go

Don't let those brilliant ideas slip away! With Memxi, just record a voice memo wherever you are. We'll save and transcribe it, ensuring your sparks of genius are always within reach for future reference.

Screenshot of how you easily record voice memos using Memxi

Smart Bookmarks: Ask and Retrieve

Transform how you use bookmarks. With Memxi, save your favorite web pages and later access them or their content simply by asking in your own words. It’s like having a conversation with your saved digital world.

Screenshot showing you can easily save and search all your bookmarks
Screenshot showing you can easily save and search all your bookmarks

Spanish? French? Memxi can do it all

Your world is diverse and so is Memxi. Save content in various languages and simply query in your native tongue. With support for over 50 languages, Memxi makes language constraints a thing of the past.

Get a Taste of Memxi

Witness Memxi's Power and how it can transform your memories into actionable insights.

Why Should I Use Memxi?

In an era brimming with information, Memxi stands as your personal knowledge guardian, capturing and recalling the vast sea of data, so you can concentrate on what truly matters.

Stumble upon a useful site? Secure it in Memxi for future reference.
Crossed paths with an incredible person? Store their contact info in Memxi and keep them in mind forever.
Effortless File Retrieval
Searching through files made simple. Ask Memxi in your language and swiftly access the information you're after.
Voice and Video
Record your thoughts or bookmark a video. Memxi effortlessly transcribes them, unlocking easy access to your media content.

Get Memxi Now

Download Memxi from the App Store or Google Play Store and gain the superpower to never forget anything ever again.

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