Frequently Asked Questions

Think of Memxi as a reliable and intelligent vault for all your cherished memories and knowledge. Imagine having an extra super brain by your side! Just feed Memxi any information you'd like to remember, and when the time comes to recall, have a friendly chat with Memxi using everyday language. It's that simple!

In today's information-rich world, our minds are frequently overwhelmed with a deluge of data, adding constant pressure to stay updated. This continual influx can lead to heightened stress, anxiety, and even affect our general well-being. With Memxi, you can ease this cognitive strain. Let Memxi handle the task of retention, empowering you to concentrate on what truly counts in life and work. It's like giving your brain the breathing space it deserves!

Memxi is your one-stop memory solution. You can save a wide range of content, including:

  • Web pages
  • Emails
  • Notes
  • Voice memos
  • Videos
  • PDFs
  • And more!

Everyone's Memxi usage is unique to them, but here are some popular items our users frequently save:

  • Websites with valuable content they want to revisit (beyond mere bookmarking).
  • Names and details of new acquaintances for seamless recall.
  • In-depth technical documents, making it a breeze to ask and find specifics later.
  • Voice recordings post-meetings, turning scattered thoughts into structured insights. Remember, Memxi is your canvas; paint it with whatever knowledge you wish!

For desktop users, Memxi is readily available via the Chrome browser. Just grab our Memxi Chrome extension. And if you're on the go, the Memxi mobile app has you covered. Download it and have your personal knowledge vault with you, anytime, anywhere!

We hold your privacy in the highest regard. Rest assured, your saved memories are solely yours; we never share them with third parties. Only you have access to your personal vault of memories in Memxi. Your trust is paramount to us.

Currently, Memxi is completely free to use! While we're looking into introducing premium features down the line, you can enjoy all its present capabilities without any charges. Dive in and experience Memxi's magic today!

Getting started with Memxi is a breeze! Once you've downloaded the Memxi mobile app and signed up, you're all set to begin. To store a voice memo or a note, simply tap the plus icon on the bootom navigation bar. Want to save a website? Simply open it in Safari or Chrome, hit the share button, and select 'Memxi' from the list. The Memxi app will then launch, and voila – the website is safely stored in your Memxi vault!

It's straightforward! While browsing in Chrome or Safari on your phone, tap the share button and select 'Memxi' from the options. Once you do, the Memxi app will launch, and the website will be instantly stored in your personal vault. Happy saving!

Once you've installed the Memxi Chrome Extension, it's a breeze to use! Click on its icon from the Chrome toolbar to either sign up or log into your Memxi account. To store a website, just click on the Memxi icon while you're on that page, and voilà! It's saved as a new memory. When you're curious or need to revisit something, pop open Memxi and pose your question in everyday language to quickly pull up your saved content. Easy, efficient, and always at your fingertips!

Absolutely! As long as you're logged into both the Memxi Chrome extension and the mobile app using the same account, everything syncs up seamlessly. This ensures you can access all your cherished memories, no matter the platform you're using at the moment. Your memories are always within reach!

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please reach out to us at, and we'll assist you as promptly as we can. Your smooth experience is our top priority!